The long and short of it is, I come up with this part on the spot and it becomes a #1 hit – John's biggest hit ever.

Two people had already been fired in the band and when I joined two years prior, I was fired from playing on the record. Because if I didn't come up with it, they'd replace me. Terrified because I knew that I had to save the song in order to save my career. Excited because I'm now going to be playing on the record. Two hours later, I'm summoned into the control room, where John tells me, 'I need you to come up with a drum solo or something after the second chorus.' At that moment, I was absolutely terrified and excited. I'm wondering, 'Will that machine replace us?' I'm in the lounge, really bummed out and wondering, 'What's the future of the drummer?' This is 1981. I grab the drum machine, I get the manual, and I program the drum part. I'm devastated that I'm going to be replaced by a drum machine. I'm being told that they're using this on the song 'Jack & Diane' that we were having trouble coming up with an arrangement for. "I walk into the studio and the co-producer has a Linn LM-1 drum machine. In a Songfacts interview with Aronoff, he told the story: His drummer, Kenny Aronoff, had to come up with it on the spot, proving his mettle when he did so. Following Phil Collins' template from the 1981 hit " In The Air Tonight," Mellencamp ordered a drum break in the middle of this song.